
Note: Clicking on each individual article will direct you to the blog and open up a new window.

Recommended Resources

Is Baptism Essential?

Spiritual Coldness

Drug Addiction and Asking God to Help

To Whom Do You Give Thanks?

Is Man Good?

All I Do Is Discipline My Kids!

Christ Is Seated In The Heavens

When You Do What Is Right and Things Still Don’t Work Out

True Christianity: Mourning

Death by Examination

Correct a Child a Thousand Times

God Hates Sin (From The Book of Romans: A Universal Gospel)

Christian ‘Checks and Balances’

Stumbling Blocks to Assurance

Why Homeschool: Yahoo Article

Ritualistic Regeneration

Growth Is What Counts

Must an Elder or Pastor be Married?

2 Responses to Articles

  1. mike says:

    Dear Pastor,

    We were wandering if there are any Bible or Christian colleges in your area? Lord willing I will be taking early retirement from the Air Force in less than a year. My wife and I are praying to see what the Lord has for the next chapter of our lives. We look forward to hearing from you
    Lord bless you,

  2. jclint33 says:


    Hello, Mike. Thank you for contacting us. We would recommend a college in Nashville, Tennessee, called Welch College (formerly called Free Will Baptist Bible College). Their website is I hope you follow the leading of God. If we can help anymore please contact us again. Thank you. I pray for the Lord to bless you all.

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