Turning the curse into a Blessing


September 29, 2016

Here is a text from Deuteronomy 23:5 from yesterday’s devotion time, “the Lord thy God turned the curse into a blessing …because the Lord thy God loved thee.”

How many times has this happened in your spiritual journey?
Something that seemed awful at the time turned out to your good. What appeared to be a bad day turned out to be a stepping stone to a blessing.

This was the case for Joseph. His brothers sold him to be a slave. He ended up later in prison as a result of someone’s lie about him. But in the end he could tell his brothers, “you meant it for evil, but God meant it for good.”

James 1:2-3 tells us to count it all joy when you fall into various temptations or trials because in the end they will produce good in your life.

Romans 8:28 assures us that all things work together for the good of those who love God. Not everything in itself is good, but God works it with all other things to accomplish good in our lives.

If you are a true believer, following God, just trust Him, continue to do good, and wait on Him (psalm 37). He is faithful. The righteous have never been forsaken, nor have they had to beg for bread.
“God will make this trial a blessing.”

How many people are now saved and are now even in heaven with the Lord who came to know Him through tragedy? Maybe a car accident, a house fire, the loss of a loved one? What appeared to be a curse was God’s call to seek Him.

We know this, don’t we, that it is on the cross that Jesus turned the curse into a blessing. We who were under the curse of sin, its bondage, its condemnation, its corruption have been set free by His blessed atonement.

Whatever it takes to turn us to God, or to make us to be like Jesus is nothing in comparison to what we receive. “It will be worth it all when we see Jesus.”

Remember the Lord does what He does, allows what He allows, because He loves us.