Pastor’s Corner

The Key of Knowledge

Is It Progress?

Thou Hast the Words of Eternal Life

Turning the curse into a Blessing

4 Responses to Pastor’s Corner

  1. Jennifer Chehab says:

    Pastor Lankford,

    I have been trying to leave you a voice mail, but the box is full. Do you perform weddings?

  2. Mickie Presley (used to be Mickie Bishop) says:

    Jeff and Cheryl, writing to let you know I have finally found my way back to the Lord. After the church split . I loss my faith for several years , but I am happy to say recently I have regained my faith in a big way! Am living in Alabama now attending a Baptist Church that just went through a tremendous split just a year before I moved here. Say hello to Denise and Steve for me. May the Lord bless and keep you. Hold tight to your faith.

  3. Gina Wood says:

    I have alot of medical issues and I need prayers. I need a safe place to live. I had a apartment in Dickson but lost it due to having to spend months in Vanderbilt and NHC nursing home. I have a service dog named Serenity. I did alot of Urban Ministry in Memphis and I was also a licensed drug and alcohol counselor there before my health failed. I need alot of prayers. I have very little furniture. My current living situation is unsanitary for my health. I don’t know what to do. I have always helped others and my Faith in God is strong. I have Gastroparesis, Autonomic Nerve Failure, Seizures, neurogenic bladder and other help problems. I’m on Disability I have always been independent but I’m at a loss now. I prayed to God for what I should do so I’m reaching out. My phone number is 931-334-3134. I have a Facebook page Gina’s story living with Gastroparesis. My service dog has one too Serenity Wood. Thank u

  4. Dakota Cunningham says:

    Dear Batist church I’m at Erin tn safe harbor rehab facility and was wondering if y’all would let me join y’all’s church if y’all need to contact me please feel free to email me at anytime

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